About Us
Art for Inspired Living
Our Mission
ART OF THE SOUL strives to touch the human heart by affirming inner strength and beauty and revealing the divine nature of life. We design elegant products that deliver inspirational messages and encourage enhanced understanding of ourselves and the world.
ART OF THE SOUL products provide fair value, are constructed of premium-quality materials, and exemplify principles of artistic integrity.
The Promise of ART OF THE SOUL
ART OF THE SOUL products are timeless, like the spiritual qualities they emulate. Because of our commitment to better understanding our world and ourselves, we strive to evolve in all areas of life. We are committed to delivering premium quality products and integrity in our design and manufacturing. We value self-awareness and confidence, help foster happiness, and support the growth of your true self.
The Future of ART OF THE SOUL
Future brand extensions include a full line of stationery products and inspirational books with the ART OF THE SOUL signature. We are a dynamic global company, spreading compassion around the world, and are excited to develop relationships that support our overall mission.
Vision from the President
“My vision for ART OF THE SOUL is to inspire others to realize their own magnificence. Just as your talents and aspirations are different from mine, so will your expression be uniquely you. I look forward to hearing about the magic and blessings that come into your life as a result of our art and jewelry.”
– Linda Jochimsen