About Linda

The Journey of Discovering ART OF THE SOUL

 Over 25 years ago, following a career in the fashion business, I started devoting time and thought to my spiritual path. I was open to a philosophy introduced to me by a neighbor and still close friend. The study emphasized the limitless potential of the human mind from the spiritual and psychological viewpoint that we are all connected. Classes at the Center for Spiritual Living resonated with me so much that I took all of them I could, becoming a licensed practitioner. Now, using my artistic and creative process, I am teaching people that they are always creative with their thoughts, that they have a choice in what their mindfulness brings to their lives.

A turning point and spiritual awakening took place in advanced spiritual studies. In one particular affirmative prayer session, my teacher followed meditation with the question, "What do you want to experience?” My answer “an intimate relationship.” During our conversation, she inquired about the qualities of my own unique spirit to bring them forward to be seen by me and revealed in my life. I already had the qualities within me, and my awareness of them began to appear almost as if by magic. This is the power of prayer. My teacher identified four spiritual qualities that she saw I was looking for in a relationship: Beauty, Power, Love and Prosperity. She gave me an assignment to draw and write about them. And so, I did.

It changed my life forever. Being witnessed by her that day was monumental. Once I had the vision, the art came through like a bolt of lightning. More insights arose and within a year I was off to New York designing jewelry inspired by these and other “art of the soul” qualities.

The evolution of Art of the Soul grew out of this discovery of the intimate relationship I found within myself. Self-Esteem, Courage, Prosperity – these and many other spiritual qualities have followed the initial four that led the way into my personal creativity and individual growth. Now I share this mindfulness process through educational opportunities, fine artwork and jewelry.

“Self-Esteem is My Divine Nature in All Its Beauty and Greatness”

Teaching Art Meditation

My teaching has spanned the intimate mentoring of those experiencing addictions, cancer survival and end-of-life hospice. Time spent with my own mentor, a chaplain at Bailey-Boushay House (HIV/AIDS and end of life hospital) gave me the desire to study immortality. I have conducted silent retreats and meditation groups for those in recovery and those who want to learn more about themselves. The jewelry piece Divine Reality was brought to life at the request of a breast cancer survivor group called WINGS (Women in Need of Group Support). The art meditation workshops I teach are based on the processes developed from my training in unity consciousness. They have been held in numerous small groups, through USC and UW enrichment programs, and now online during the COVID pandemic where our connections are so important.

Linda Jochimsen Creative Process

A Love of Education

The strong desire for knowledge and prosperity led me to expand my education, graduating in 2013 from the University of Washington with an independent study Bachelor of Arts degree focused on Global Entrepreneurship, Human Rights, Marketing and the Arts. Soon after graduation, I moved to California where I enrolled in the Gemology Institute of America to study diamonds. The long-awaited addition of precious stones to Art of the Soul jewelry soon after came to fruition, adding another element of beauty as well as the meaning of nature’s gems to each piece. Spiritual education continues diving more deeply into Zen and Buddhism philosophy to enrich my daily practice, sharing insights and ever-emerging creativity that furthers the art present in everyone.

“I am eternally connected to my source of love and wisdom”

An Intimate Relationship with Self

How do you become connected to your source of love and wisdom for all eternity without relying on or expecting it from someone else? How do you harness your own source of divine happiness and fulfillment?

Blessings on your journey,

– Linda